
10 Python Coding Challenges for Beginners


Python is a versatile and beginner-friendly programming language that is widely used in various industries, from web development to data analysis and machine learning. If you’re just starting your journey in Python programming, it’s essential to practice your coding skills regularly. One effective way to do this is by taking on coding challenges. In this blog, we’ll explore 10 Python coding challenges specifically designed for beginners. These challenges will help you improve your problem-solving skills, gain confidence in Python, and solidify your understanding of the language.

Why Coding Challenges Are Beneficial for Beginners?

Before we dive into the challenges, let’s briefly discuss why coding challenges are such valuable learning tools for beginners.

Practical Experience: Coding tasks offer practical experience that enables you to put your acquired theoretical knowledge to use in an actual setting.

Problem-Solving Ability: By pushing you to use critical and creative thinking to accomplish a variety of tasks, they enhance your ability to solve problems.

Coding Proficiency: You’ll get stronger at generating clear, functional code in Python as you take on more tasks.

Portfolio Enhancement: Finishing code challenges can add a lot of value to your programming portfolio and demonstrate your abilities to prospective partners or companies. Want to start a career as a Data Scientist? check out Data Science Online Training

Python Coding Challenges for Beginners

Now, let’s explore the 10 Python coding challenges that will empower beginners to develop their Python coding skills and embark on an exciting journey in the world of programming.

1. Convert degrees from radians

Create a Python function that only accepts a single number as input. This parameter represents the angle expressed in radians. The function must return that value after converting the radians to degrees.

The Pi value can be imported from the Python math module. You are given a hint indicating Pi will be required to solve this puzzle, but you ought to continue typing the function yourself even though a Python library might be able to execute it for you.

2. Sort a list in Python: Establish a two-parameter Python function. Making a list of numbers will be the initial task. The string containing the values asc, desc, or none will be the second parameter.

The function, with the second parameter set to “asc,” ought to produce an ascending list of numbers. The original list should be returned, but it should be in the descending order of “desc” and not be changed.

3. Convert a number from decimal to binary: Write a Python function that, given a decimal value as input, returns the corresponding binary number. Since the decimal number is always less than 1,024, the binary number that is returned will always be less than 10 digits. Count the vowels on the strings.

4. Keep the credit card number hidden.

Create a Python function that takes a credit card number as input. All characters except the final four should be hidden with an asterisk in the string that is returned. For instance, the function should return “4444” if it receives the input “444444444444444444”.

5 Count the vowels in the string.

Make a Python programme that, given a word, generates its vowel count. Only the vowels a, e, i, o, and u—not y—will be counted in this function.

6. Are the Xs and Os the same

Develop a Python function that accepts information. The amount of Xs and Os in the string should be counted using this function. The result should be either True or False after response.

The function returns True when the number of Xs and Os is equal. If the counts differ, it ought to return False. For a string that contains neither an O nor an X, the default value is true because 0 equals 0. The string can contain any mix of character and integer types.
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7. Add a feature that calculates

Create a calculator function in Python that accepts three parameters. An integer serves as the beginning value. +, -, one’s own worth, or. There will be an integer as the third parameter. carry out the computation and send the result back. Should the function pass 6 and 4, respectively, it ought to yield 24.

8. Give me the discount

Determine the discount for a two-parameter Python function. The item’s total cost must be the most important figure. The discount percentage is represented as a whole number in the second place.

The function must be restored once the discount has been applied to the item’s price. The function should return 80 in the case where the price is 100 and the discount is 20.

9. Just the numbers

Create a Python function that takes a list of any length that consists of a mixture of strings and non-negative numbers. Only the integers from the original list should remain in the same order in the list that the function returns.

10. Repeat the characters

Repeat the characters to generate a function in Python that can accept. The function should produce a string, with the original string’s characters doubled. Sending the function “now” as a parameter should result in “nnooww,” and sending “123a!” results in an error. It needs to show “112233aa!!” again.

To conclude:

If you’re new to programming, these 10 Python coding challenges are a great place to start if you want to improve your skills. Through the completion of these tasks, you have explored the basic components of Python programming. Variables, loops, conditionals, and even a few simple algorithms have all been covered. Every assignment has a distinct twist that gives you the chance to tackle issues from several perspectives.

These tasks also foster critical thinking and problem-solving, two abilities that are vital to every coder. Acquaintance with the syntax and data manipulation methods of Python is an essential starting point for future, more intricate projects. To help you find the best place to learn and shape your future there are a few Python Online Certification courses. Join Today!

As you continue on your path, remember in mind that learning to code is a process that takes time. Python will become an increasingly useful tool at your disposal if you practice it consistently and are willing to push yourself.


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